6 thoughts on “The British Museum

  1. Hi,Shiromi!
    It is wife’s schoolmate’s morima.
    I haven’t seen you for a long time. How are you?
    I have seen only the replica of Rosette stone.
    Are you in Britain?It looks forward to the wonderful photograph that you took.
    Is it a doubt whether there is a chance of the visit to Britain including The British Museum for me?

  2. @morima
    Hi Morima,
    Thank you for your message. Unfortunately, I believe you’re mistaken with someone else, as “Shiromi” is just the name of this website, but not my real name…

  3. “Entrez, entrez Nobles étrangers, les hiéroglyphes qui ornent cette salle sont magnifiques”

    Content de voir quelques nouvelles et belles photos sur Shiromi 🙂

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