For those who may have not noticed that little change in this website, I have removed the guestbook, as it had become too popular to spammers and not enough to real fans of this website…

It was taking me way too much time to remove those fake congratulations messages pointing to commercial sites.
On top of that, my guestbook got hacked recently, which made me realize how vulnerable that kind of php pages can be for the whole website itself.

The guy who did that had the great idea to delete all previous messages and put an offensive one instead, I won’t even mention what was said, that would be too much of an honour for such kind of people.

I am happy to make this website simpler and simpler, but I feel sorry about my friends, who left nice messages that are now lost forever.

It is not the first time this website is hacked, but last time, the hacker was just doing it for the challenge and had made an archive of the whole website before defacing it, so that I could recover the lost page.

As this part of the Internet dies, I’d like to proudly announce the birth of a much more worthy one: the blog of my friend Seb.
This blog is so active, it will just take a few weeks before it reaches the same number of entries as mine!

4 thoughts on “Epuration and worthy link

  1. Desole, j’ai fait un doublon de message, ca ne se reproduira plus.
    L’oeil avise (presque un nom de code indien) aura remarque qu’une erreur s’est glissee sur cette page: en effet, y’a encore un lien vers ton guestbook en haut.

  2. Bien vu!
    J’ai corrige cette petite erreur, habilement decelee.
    J’en ai profite pour ajouter l’image du titre qui manquait egalement…

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