Error: I'm afraid this is the first I've heard of a "writeback" flavoured Blosxom. Try dropping the "/+writeback" bit from the end of the URL.

Sat, 24 May 2003

Blog !

Big change in the design of this diary, which is more like a weblog now.
So far, I didn't really see the benefit of using a weblog, instead of copying and pasting the last entry to recreate the style. That was until I saw Fred's weblog and found out more about Movabletype.

Not only this tool will create the page automatically, it also uses a database to show the individual entries, allow any visitor to leave a comment, to run a search...

It looks pretty good too in my opinion, close to the simplified design I was trying to implementing a few months ago.

Unfortunately, converting my old diary into this weblog was not something easy since I had to change the links on all the pages.
I finally ended up using a 4 line-csh script:

foreach file (`find . -name "*htm*"`)
cat $file | sed 's/diary\.html/weblog\.index\.html/' > tmp
mv tmp $file

Done ! How would you do it with Windows ? ;-)
Also, I had to input the contents of the previous diary into one new single entry of this weblog (well I could have inputted them one by one but I figured it was not worth it at 2:30am !). Therefore, the design is still in a transition phase and the search feature may not be very useful as of now, since you might as well use the search function of your browser !
