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Sat, 13 Dec 2003

Company's Christmas party

fred and cherneeThe company's Christmas party was at the Hong-Kong Garden this year and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the food in this Chinese restaurant in the middle of Tokyo, although my mom's cooking remains the best ;-) (just had to cover myself, just in case she reads that!)

Chinese acrobatOn top of that, Chinese acrobats (I don't know if they were readers...) were entertaining the audience with a show like the ones of the Circus of China you see on TV: lady on a monocyle tossing up plates and cups to put them on her head, balance exercise on a pile of chairs, etc.

Of course, I did take pictures, and under the pressure of Fred, they're already online!

All in all, that was a very successful party, not to mention that I even won something at the lottery for the first time in 4 years :), so Eiko and I will be spending one lovely evening at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo.
