White Pocket in Arizona has got to be one of the most fascinating places I’ve ever seen. It’s like nothing else out there, with such a huge diversity of formations ranging from cauliflower type of rocks to sandstone, with swirls and waves all over the place.
The place may not be as famous as The Wave, just a few miles away, but it does not require a permit to get there (yet)! I was a little bummed when I realised I couldn’t go to The Wave (only 10 permits are issued per day through advance booking, 10 other permits are available on the day itself through a lottery) but I’m so glad I went to White Pocket instead. It’s like fantasy land for a photographer, offering much more to see than The Wave (or so I hear).
Being in the wilderness, it’s not that easy to access, count 2 hours with a 4WD to get there, but it’s definitely worth it. If I had to do it again, I think I would spend the night there to do some astrophotography or witness a nice sunrise. The photo below was taken at sunset, just after a thunderstorm which helped clear the sky and give this gorgeous colour to the stone.