A super clear sky (the only one for the whole week I was in New Zealand) allowed me to snap this photo of a beautiful night in Turangi, where the Milky Way met the moon. Actually, I wish the moon hadn’t been there but I will have to plan my holidays carefully next time to find a place where I can avoid light pollution and go there on a moonless night to capture the stars in an optimal manner.
Still, I am very impressed with what my camera was able to do. I could never have imagined taking that kind of pictures ten years ago with the technology at the time. Also, I just cannot emphasise how happy I am with my Carl Zeiss 15mm lens. It’s just the sharpest lens I’ve ever owned, even in the corners and wide opened, it performs beautifully. I wish I had bought it earlier, especially for the pictures of the northern lights in Norway…
I guess it gives me another reason to chase the lights again some time soon, so those who are interested in joining me, just let me know!