While browsing my archives, I noticed this nice picture of Kyoto (in Kiyomizudera to be precise) and decided to process it again with the latest version of Capture One. Again, I’m very impressed by what this application can do. However, I’m even more impressed by the camera that took this picture.
I bought my Canon EOS 5D in 2005, just before going to that trip to Kyoto and I’ve actually kept using it till recently in 2013 when I decided to take the plunge and to buy the 5D Mark III. The picture quality of the 5D (the original one) is really good even by today’s standards and using the latest software features, I’m able to extract so much information that I had no idea about when I took the picture. It was all there in the raw file but I didn’t have the tools to exploit it at the time!
I wouldn’t go back though: operating the camera feels so awkward now that controls have become so much more natural in modern cameras, with bigger screens too. I can’t wait till Canon announces the 5D Mark IV!

Good one!
Same as you, kept the 5D classic from 2006 to 2012 before going to MkIII… good thing to keep the raw files to revisit when both software and its operator improve