I really love my new Carl Zeiss Distagon T*2.8/15 lens. The quality is just simply amazing and I love the way it looks and how the elegantly designed metal lens feels.

One thing I do not like though is that it’s fairly easy to get a circular polariser filter stuck and much harder to get it out… One would usually use a rubber band or a filter wrench but those won’t work (and I don’t have a filter wrench anyway) because of the so elegant fixed hood.
Since I finally managed to unscrew it, I figured I may as well share the way I did it, as I couldn’t find any reference in Google. I basically went for the same principle as the rubber band: using rubber dishwashing gloves really helps! It gives you sufficient friction to unscrew the filter, although you may stil have to get a good grip on the non rotating part of the filter.
After having found that, I googled again and found out some people already recommended such method as one way of doing things. In the case of the lens above, it may be the only one!
Now, I need to add a pair of dishwashing gloves to the list of accessories in my photography bag…