After just a little more than a year back in Hong Kong, I realise I haven’t posted anything of Hong Kong itself. So for a change, here are a few pictures of Hong Kong (Sai Kung to be more accurate). I’ve always been told that Sai Kung was very nice for hiking and it’s true that it has something to offer when you feel trapped in Hong Kong city.
Taking advantage of this Easter break, I went to Sai Kung to find a nice little beach around Sai Wan and a small waterfall nearby called Sheung Luk stream (here are the instructions to get there). The weather was just good, a little overcast but not too hot and the hike was rather easy. Going there from Hong Kong island is a bit of a hustle as reaching the trail itself will take about 2 hours of MTR, bus and taxi. Count another hour for the hike and you’ve got yourself a busy day…
Anyway, it was definitely worth getting some fresh air away from the city and get a few pics to feed this blog! All the pictures are available in the gallery