Yellow tree in AoyamaAfter having spent the last 2 weeks in Sydney for a business trip, I came back to Japan (ahh, there’s nothing like home) to enjoy the Japanese Autumn in Tokyo. One popular spot is in Meiji Jingu Gaien (明治神宮外苑), where all gather in the Ichou Ginko Street (いちょう並木) to admire the famous yellow leaves.

Actually, all trees were not yellow yet, and only a few of them were showing this magnificent colour. The best time will probably be in a week or two from now, when it really starts getting cold. At that time, I hope to be able to capture more of their colours.

exhausted police officerAs mentioned earlier, when an event like that one occurs in Tokyo, and in spite of Japanese innate sense for order, some organization is required to make sure that the flow of pedestrians in a hurry to take photographs of the trees does not disturb the traffic. The young person assigned to that task this afternoon seemed to have a hard time to cope with the unstoppable flow of people today.

2 thoughts on “A Japanese Autumn

  1. C’est superbe ici… Tres belles couleurs sur ces photos. Les Kouyous, c’est une saison superbe (ici) pour les photos, bien que personnellement j’ai eu un peu de mal a trouver des angles qui arrivent a rendre en images la beaute de la scene.

  2. Oui, je trouve aussi que les arbres sont une des choses les plus difficiles à prendre en photo. Dans ce cas, j’ai essayer d’éviter les plans larges et de trouver des motifs dans les feuilles pour mettre en valeur les couleurs et la voluptuosité du feuillage de saison.
    En gros, pas facile à prendre en photo, pas facile à expliquer non plus!

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