I’m just back from my trip in France where I could try out my new camera: a Canon EOS D30

It’s truly a nice camera and I was just stunned to see the quality of the pictures I could get with this camera.
I’ve always known I was interested in photography but I didn’t have the time or the courage to get into it, that’s why I started with a digital camera last year. After a while, I started buying photography books to improve my skills but I quickly realized the difference between a compact camera and a SLR …

The first chapter of the book was mentioning about setting the aperture to f/16 (the sunny 16 rule) but I was so frustrated when I realized my camera wasn’t able to go beyond f/8 that it didn’t take me long to get this D30 !

On top of being extremely fast in terms of autofocus (compared to any other compact camera), you can buy different lenses for each style of photography (that’s actually where it starts getting expensive !)