A dramatic change in the look of my homepage, as I was a little tired of this bright background and the Pitou theme was getting a little too old … Above all, I got Photoshop 6 and although I didn’t use its new functionalities much, it kindda incited me to renew my homepage a little. If you really want to see something great done with Photoshop, go and visit my friend Fred’s homepage ! I wish I had his faith (or his talent) in making homepages, so instead, I’m sticking to a very sober (but yet classy homepage ;P).
So far, I’ve changed the look of all pages, but some banners still have to be made with the cool sepia effect. I was very enthusiastic about doing it first but it’s quite a big job and if you look carefully, you might notice the order in which I made them, the nicest one being the first one I made of course ;P …
I’ll keep posting the new pages with the new banners little by little but I really wanted to upload a first draft of this new homepage
Oh yeah, for those who are lucky and have the version 6 of Internet Explorer, they should be able to see the change in the color of the scroll bar on the right It’s nothing but I thought it was quite cool…
Apart from that, I didn’t take many pictures lately, I was quite busy in the office at last week end was really the first week end in 3 months I didn’t have to go to the office !