First of all, yes I’m alive! For those who were wondering what happened to me while category 5 hurricane Irma hit Cuba, I was in the southern part of the country, escaping most of the rain and wind.
Country-wide damages did impact my trip a little. With no electricity for 4 days, banks and most restaurants were closed so I had to skip a few meals or rely on the few chocolate bars I had taken with me! Also, floods and trees everywhere on the roads prevented me from going to some of the places I wanted to visit but this is a minor inconvenience compared to what people were going through.
Anyway, here’s a photo I snapped in Havana while strolling the streets of the old city. The whole city is such a paradise for photographers, so colourful and filled with warm people, not to mention the beautiful classic cars. I felt like taking photos every 20 meters!
For this trip, I decided to shoot my my Leica camera equipped with a 35mm lens for almost the entire trip. It was the perfect gear for the kind of street photo I was after. Shooting wide opened at f/1.4 gives such a unique look to the photo!

Yop, et bien quelle aventure pour ce détour à Cuba, tout ça parce que c’était joli. En attendant de voir ta série de photos au Leica, je suis assez curieux de voir ce que ça donne. A +