Sometimes you browse your gallery and you find little gems that you had discarded too quickly. I’m glad the cost of storage has gone down so much throughout the years: it allows you to be lazy and to keep tons of pics that would have been deleted otherwise.

In the shot below, I had not noticed that you could see the Milky Way if you push the contrast a little and I think it really completes the picture. You can compare it with another picture taken a few minutes earlier (with a different white balance though) which showed a slightly stronger aurora borealis, that’s why I originally preferred that one but I’ve changed my mind. 😉

Besides, I’m now learning to use Capture One‘s advanced functionalities and I feel sorry for not spending more time to do so before. This application is really powerful and allows you to extract tons of details from shadows, to use layers for local adjustments and to do some really nice fine tuning in terms of noise reduction, if you are willing to spend enough time on the picture.

Aurora in Tromsø
Aurora in Tromsø

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